Friday, November 30, 2007

Monocacy - Up Close And Personal : Part III

Subtitled: Interpretation

When I tell a story of an image, at times, it's because of the emotional response I had while taking the photo. Other times, it's life's moments that bring about the image in my mind. I'm not clear on why 'this' image - I've learned not to question.

Also, this story is a little longer than usual - it needs to be that way.

I was shopping recently and while I was walking towards the ramp to go into the store, I noticed a little boy, around 2 or 3, clearly alone, wandering down the ramp. I paused. I looked around. I didn't notice anyone 'claiming' the boy. I kept my eye on him. Then he decided to venture into the parking lot. Now, keep in mind, other people noticed the boy (I saw that much). One woman continued to back out with the boy wandering around her van. Another couple just went along their merry way as if he was some kind of employee cleaning up the parking lot...I ran towards him and stopped him. He looked surprised. I asked him where his mommy was. He said nothing. I reached out my hand, he took it, and we walked into the store. I told the cashier I found this little guy and she yelled out "Did anyone lose a boy?" A young woman approached and said "Yes" and claimed him. I told her I found him in the parking lot and then she said "Ok"...That's it? "Yes", "Ok"...hmm.

I wondered what she was thinking. I wondered how she felt.

I left it alone and went shopping. When I was finished, I heard the cashier talking about the mother. How she was so irresponsible and thankless. How people steal kids all the time. How she would never let that happen to her son...hmm.

I got angry. I thought for a moment..."that could happen to anyone". What pisses me off are the people in the parking lot. The people so oblivious to what's going on around them that they couldn't spot a lost little boy wandering around in the parking lot...or if they did, chose to do nothing about it. WTF!

When I was leaving, the cashier said to me "I guess you did your good deed for the day."...hmm.

Good deed, what good deed? That's simply being responsible. Being accountable to our world's children. Being a human. Helping a mother who's so consumed by her life that she loses her little boy while shopping..good deed? Come on people WAKE UP!

~ take a breath

Look, I don't want to force-feed anything to anyone. What I want is for you to see how you fit into the world. Maybe there's room to be more compassionate. Maybe there's room to be more loving. Maybe there's room to be more selfless...maybe.

Looking at the photo of the waterfall, one can interpret the water as a gentle song. Another can interpret it as a crashing symbol...either way, it's your interpretation; this story is mine.

- greg


Anonymous said...

Nice work, Greg. A lovely photo. A thought provoking perspective on the care we need to take of each other. Thanks for sharing these gifts.


Memory Writers Network

Ian Summers said...

Hi Greg,

It is a pleasure to watch you grow as a photographer. I did not know that you were also a colorful and descriptive writer. Good work.
